2024 WHLA and HPGM Law Student Scholarship

The Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association (WHLA) and the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee (HPGM) invite current second year law students of Hispanic origin who are attending a Wisconsin law school to apply for the 2024 WHLA and HPGM Hispanic Law Student Scholarship. WHLA’s mission includes supporting Hispanic law students who best exemplify achievement and commitment to professional development and service within the Hispanic community. WHLA offers a scholarship to one Hispanic student in the second year of studies at each of Wisconsin’s two law schools.

Qualified students must be enrolled at Marquette University Law School or the University of Wisconsin Law School as a current second year student. The award will be two thousand dollars ($2000.00) paid directly to the law school tuition of the chosen recipient, announced at a selected date prior to the end of the Spring semester of the current academic year term, and applied to the recipient’s tuition account for his/her third year of law school.


  • Applicants must be enrolled as a second year full-time or part-time second year equivalent student, in good standing, at an accredited Wisconsin law school.


  • Applicant must be a current 2L in good academic standing; a minimum GPA is not required, but academic achievement will be a factor considered for the scholarship.
  • Applicant must be a minimum of 25% Hispanic ethnic origin.
  • Consideration will be placed on a student essay describing the applicant’s academic endeavors, volunteerism, general financial need, and any other factor the student believes is relevant to consideration for the scholarship.

PROCESS: Applicants must submit the following:

  • Most recent law school transcript (unofficial)
  • Current resume
  • Typed personal essay of not more than 500 words

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Completed application form and all required materials must be submitted online using this application link on HPGM’s portal by 11:59 p.m. on April 15, 2024. The scholarship recipients will be announced by May 2024.

ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants must submit a personal essay. The essay may address one or more of the suggested topics below. Applicants are not required to address each topic individually and should not feel restricted to these topics: they are suggestions to assist essay-writing, not to formally structure or limit the essay. The essay should be no more than 500 words. List your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and law school at the top of the first page. List your name at the top of each additional page.

  • Describe any law student activities or any efforts outside of law school that are associated with or in service to the Hispanic community.
  • Describe any specific academic achievements you have had as a law student and your interest in the law as a career.
  • Students who have tuition and resource needs are encouraged to address that and how this scholarship would assist those needs.
  • Describe your interest in being a lawyer or your career goals after completing law school.
  • Describe your Hispanic heritage and discuss the importance of your heritage to you or your family.
  • Include any other factors you believe are important to your application for this scholarship.

WHLA Mission: The Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association works to advance the professional development of its members and advise on issues of interest to the Hispanic community on a local and national level. WHLA recognizes the need to encourage and support Wisconsin Hispanic law students as a vital part of this mission.